Change log
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StalkerZ 2.5 Change-log
With the addition of Pripyat, it is exciting to announce the release of StalkerZ 2.5
The past few months have seen numerous changes and additions within the server, including but not limited to:
- Addition of Pripyat. Pripyat is declared as a permanent KOS Zone (for everyone, even loners vs loners, loners vs factions, factions vs factions) with high risk, high reward. This means that players are allowed to shoot each other on sight, without any actions required, regardless of the distance. Pripyat is a unique end-game area with a different gameplay loop than the rest of the server where only the tough will survive, if at all through PVE / PVP elements. The goal of the KOS Zone is to add an additional danger, as well as fear and respect element to the end game area. You are still in-character in Pripyat
- Adding assets from the STALKER games which allowed the creation of an accurate Red Forest, Forrester and now the addition of Pripyat.
- Adjusting the layout of the map within the North and removing ugly cliffs where they were unecessary. New paths were created to force players to not take a lot of shortcuts, but meet each other, and reward the experienced players who know "where" to take the shortcuts.
- Preparations of the map for the next map update from our partners, which will include Radar and Zaton by our D.S.F DayZone Partners.
- Addition of Rad Suits.
- Overhaul of STALKER clothing for loners which in turn makes players look like STALKERs, as well as additions of the relevant armor for loners.
- Overhaul of the STALKER look for factions, by removing / adding clothing in order to make them more game accurate.
- Addition of multiple STALKER clothing (e.g. coats, coats w/ vests), vests, expansion of the clothing attachment system.
- Addition of Combat Suits (Guardian of Freedom, Duty Bulat Suit etcetera) for certain factions.
- "MASTER" Stalker outfits that loners can obtain to showcase how much of a "veteran" STALKER they are (with advantages), keep your eyes open and explore areas to figure out how to get them.
- Made SEVAs less gate-kept and more accessible through adding additional ways of acquiring them. This rewards players who can think outside the box.
- New Berill Set for loners.
- Numerous variants of Sun Rise Sets and Wind of Freedom Sets.
- New STALKER belt system and attachment.
- An overhaul of the Secret Trader to make it actually useful for players to visit.
- Numerous bug fixes, such as Exo Zombies and Poltergeists not dropping loot, Controllers getting stuck in certain areas of labs.
- Adjustment to the workbench internal structure which allows us to implement the next massive workbench update.
- Made nights brighter.
- Magazine tapes with numerous colors.
- Multiple weapon additions, including but not limited to: KS23, MP443, M16A4, LR300, VPO215, various fixes, added support for more attachments on guns.
- Re-enabling Suppression with forced 3 PIP upon being in suppressed mode, as well as added tinnitus effect.
- Solidified changes to Faction Wars on the server. The Faction War system was out of date due to the server not having KOID when that war system was made. This resulted in a revamp of the war system which will give factions rewards and risk.
- Additions of loner groups on the server, numerous unique business concepts. We are here to support anything as long as the concept is good, creating a base with a door and storage is the least hard thing to do for us. You do not have to be in a faction to enjoy this server.
- Changes to Permanent Kills, which add the risk to those who wish to Permanent Kill another player as well, of losing their own character in the process if they are unsuccessful.
- Revamped the Game Master team which resulted into players partaking in numerous jobs, events and interesting storylines without even realizing they were part of an "event". This has created numerous storylines and added value to people's characters without them even realizing they were part of an event.
We continue on our no-wipe policy as we have achieved a player-self sufficient economy. The no-wipe policy will continue unless DayZ forces our hand. This continues to be achieved due to factions being money sinked through other factions, politics, their own mistakes or the economy itself.
We have achieved a great balance of grind, PVE and PVP from an economical perspective. The gameplay rewards those who spend enough time on it, but it also punishes confidence and adds areas for those who grind the game a lot.
There will never be anyone who has visited everything on this server because almost every two weeks, a new secret area is developed and a puzzle for players to solve, such as end game areas and so on.
The goal of StalkerZ continues to be creating a STALKER RP multiplayer "sandbox" with as little in-game staff intervention as possible. The game is ran by players, and staff's purpose is to support the in-game stories through unnoticeable events that players get involved in.
The lore is continuous, the economy is player-ran and will continue to depend on IC events. You, as a character, depending on your actions and how "powerful" you are, have an effect on the world and the economy. Just like the real world. This is a unique experience our server provides that we pride ourselves on.
Let alone the fact that we have achieved great milestones in terms of making the server enjoyable for loners, through supporting the creation of loner groups, businesses, apartments, economy / clothing changes tailored specifically for loners and so on. You do not have to be part of a faction to enjoy this server as this has been a common misconception for a while.
Thank you for taking your time to play on the server and enjoying what we've built here.
Enjoy Military 79th Air Assault Division's journey in Pripyat.

StalkerZ 2.4 Change-log
We are excited to announce our 2.4 release of StalkerZ. The server is now up and unlocked with the map update.
This release includes the Army Warehouses and Dead City map update that has been worked on by our partners, as well as the complete revamp of various locations and addition of many new POIs, including custom mapping.
We know now it is common to wipe with map updates, however we are not wiping.
We believe that a wipe on role-play servers only serves a purpose of clearing up the economy because of mistakes from the development team or if there is a massive revamp. Within role-play servers, the goal is to keep the server and the gameplay flowing unless we are completely revamping the economy from scratch. We believe that the economy is in a good place and we can moderate it accordingly, and there are a lot of money sinks and gear sinks that keeps people engaged. Therefore, that's why we decided not to wipe for the map update and the foreseeable future.
Instead, the approach that we take on the server is to consistently add content, areas and adjust places where you don't notice it at first, but small changes eventually pile up and keep a steady flow of upholding a good economy.
Moving on, apart from the map update, there are a lot of new areas that needed certain economical adjustments, mutant spawns, anomalies and so on. Therefore you will see these areas full of life. The goal is to have players travelling around the map as much as they can rather than being stuck at Rookie Village.
The goal of StalkerZ will always be to prioritize role-play and ensure that players aren't stuck in the south for days before they can progress. The further North you go, the harder the server gets, however the risk equals the reward. Skill and roleplay is what matters on this gameplay.
The sentiment our team shares is that grinding and server wipes is not what keeps people around on role-play servers. Here’s what we have done:
We have ensured that the risk equals the reward by adding an additional stash system that you will notice within far northern locations and so on. This will always be work in progress.
All vendors have been getting balanced accordingly throughout these past few months, in terms of public vendors, faction vendors and the secret trader.
Numerous quality of life changes, including the increase of crafting items in certain areas.
A clothing overhaul economy whereas we are pushing players to look more like STALKERs.
Addition of further business opportunities available for players. If you have a concept and IC development behind it, make a ticket and let's talk about it.
Custom mapping in order to bring life to areas. We will always ensure that where we feel there are gaps, we will fix them. This also includes choke points to increase interactions according to players. If these chokepoints end up getting old, they will be adjusted accordingly / removed and new paths will be created. The Zone is a never ending maze that changes, right?
Introduction of Psy Dogs. This was a mutant that was missed from the Zone and it has recently been fixed.
Addition of new guns. We will constantly add new guns as we have some very talented people here.
Ambience overhaul.
Difficulty adjustments in certain areas that lacked difficulty.
Numerous bug fixes that allowed players to exploit certain areas.
Smuggler adjustments, gave factions the ability to allow players to smuggle items through role-play.
Addition of further custom high tier areas and re-structure of the gameplay of those areas, such as our dollar store version of Red Forest and the CNPP.
And much more, secret areas, puzzles for players to solve and so on. There are some areas that have been not explored for 5 months now. Get to work!
Providing all the content from StalkerZ modpack, such as special weapons and so on, that hasn't been used for years to the players. Gate-keeping content behind events isn't the philosophy of this server.
Constant work to fix all bugs that were introduced with the DayZ update, however, there are certain mods that aren't controlled by us.
Ensured that all custom mapping broken by the map update has been fixed, and re-introduced and re-adjusted.
Purchased a realistic flight simulation model for the helicopters which will balance them, as well as provide us with further configurations to work with.
So far we have also been successful in enforcing a role-play over rule-play mindset. We have prevented ticket wars, constantly have worked with factions and players and we will ensure that this server continues to transition into a more STALKER role-play orientated server where VR chat and rule-play is eliminated from the roots. In addition, equality isn't what we strive for, some factions will have advantages and disadvantages, counters, some factions will be stronger lore wise and so on. You need to use your imagination and creativity to defeat certain factions, or perhaps do IC politics. Same goes for loners, role-play your way out of situations.
Death is much more common because the economy allows it to be common. Read my pinned message in server feedback about dying.
Needless to say, we constantly add content to the server and update things in the background in order to ensure a good player experience. We do not leave the server be and wait for each update. Updates are pushed out every day between restarts and adjustments to the point many of you don't even notice it, which is why the server continues to be enganging and enjoyable.
The feedback channel is looked at every day, every single thing you guys say in the feedback channel is read. Same for the suggestions. There are many changes being done in the background to keep the economy flowing and it will continue to be this way, in order to ensure that you guys never get bored around here.
In regards to events, the philosophy that we apply is to try our hardest to ensure that the player doesn't realize they are part of an event. We have achieved this and have got factions and people involved in interesting situations where you don't even realize you are part of an event. StalkerZ's gameplay is focused around the players, and events are there in order to spice the role-play up from time to time, as we want the gameplay loop to be fun. And we have achieved this.
We will continue to improve and maintain the server as long as the passion from the community is there to play and enjoy the server. The philosophy that we apply is relying on the content that we can add, the role-play over rule-play and preventing people from feeling like they walk on eggshells before shooting or robbing someone.
Needless to say, I am pleased to say that the server is in a very good spot in terms of the economy, gameplay loop, factions and I have to thank all of you for your participation and individual efforts.
Thank you for the time you spend on the server, and I sincerely hope that you continue enjoying your time into what has been built here by all of us, including yourselves.

StalkerZ 2.3 Change-log
This officially marks our 2.3 release that has been worked on since the start of the wipe! Here's a list of the major changes that have been worked on and released, throughout the past few months:
SGunplay mod (modified version for our server) @simonvic
Suppression mod, which includes an update for the lag fix. @Spaghetti
KOID for factions.
Addition of Tier 5 stashes, loot areas.
Tweaks in order to make the economy smoother, as well as review of all stashes to ensure that risk equals reward. This includes crafting changes, adding unique workbenches to northern areas for rare crafting items etcetera.
Constant addition of custom areas and end game content. We have a lot of custom areas that many of you haven't found or explored, I advise that you explore further than your regular loot areas.
Addition of new clothing provided by our DayZone partners and @REAPER, as well as new guns from @Mole
Improvement of role-play quality on the server by ensuring tickets value role-play over rule-play. We are on a STALKER RP server, which means there will be gunfights, ambushes and death. However, this doesn't mean you cannot build stories and continue to engage with other players. We appreciate the feedback provided by the players about the role-play quality and enjoyment they get on the server due to our crusade on rule-play.
Other content you'll see in the video.
Thank you for playing and we hope to continue to see you guys enjoying yourselves on what we've spent a long time building. See you on the next release!

StalkerZ 2.2 Change-log
We are announcing our 2.2 release which includes Exo Suits, X16 Labs, other updates and the wipe which will happen on 18th February 2023.
It has been one hell of a ride so far ever since our release. However, we do know that there's been many issues since 2.0. We have applied numerous fixes and released 2.1 a while ago, with continuous updates and features that can be found in our changelog, development previews and our discord.
We can safely say that the difference between 2.0 and 2.1 is like night and day. We wish we could release DayZone in the current state of the server, but you live and you learn. We as a community have adapted and will always adapt to the community's needs. Rather than adapting to a mindset similar to AOD of running the server, we have added so many different features and focus on RP instead of rules.
Also, we added new POIs, scripts, apartments and other features we constantly denied on AOD, and continuously adapted our economy to what the community needs and wants. We have made the decision to wipe before the map update due to the mass amount of changes that have happened on the server, making it completely unrecognizable from 2.0 release, rather than waiting for the map update.
As for the map update, we have received X16 Labs, which will be live on the server and you will come across. In addition, the map makers will release areas such as Army Warehouses, Dead City, Snork Village, and other updates which remove the huge forests in the middle of the map as well. There won't be a wipe for the map update, as we have been informed that we will receive the map update soon.

StalkerZ 2.1 Change-log
We have completely revamped the filters, gas masks, suits, B190 and the radiation. Radiation will now play, again, an important part of a game-play and will be an invisible enemy that you need to combat. Radiation is now dynamic again. After every restart ('blowout' as many of you call it in-character), the radiation within the Zone will now change. There's numerous layers of radiation. Some places that were not irradiated will now be irradiated, some paths that were irradiated now clear up and so on. Players will no longer be able to find "meta" routes and speedrun areas. Focus on filters, geiger counters and the many things that we provide you with to combat radiation. The only "meta" information that we will provide you is to not try and use the same "meta" border-line off map routes that some of you have been taking to speedrun between areas and avoid any sort of danger or interaction. This radiation update will increase player interaction, slow game-play down, increase the danger and so on. Role-play, find friends, get information IC on how to combat radiation and do some path-finding and learn how to survive. This will heavily impact your gameplay. P.S If you have an old sunrise, you will have an option to "switch item" and then recolor it. The new Sunrise is now available. (edited)
We understand that finding crafting components and crafting through the workbench has been entirely useless. The workbench has been re-worked from scratch. We wanted to put a focus a lot on crafting, finding items and returning to a workbench and being able to craft cool weaponry. Crafting components and gun parts are actually valuable now, and the workbench is a very important part of the gameplay. This does not include weapons only, however, we do not want to spoil everything through this announcement. Trade with each other, craft weaponry and most importantly have fun. Note: As for the future, we are now working on making individual workbenches per faction. Each workbench (public / faction) will vary, and factions will have unique weaponry craftable that they can call their own. We want to give people an opportunity to feel special and unique within each faction, as well as loners being able to be rewarded for being informants / friends with a faction.
Northern areas that were missing loot, stashes and mutants are now alive again. The respective loot tiers within some areas that missed any loot at all have been adjusted, as well as the danger and the radiation. Especially the most requested area from factions.
Stashes have been overhauled in order to align with the workbench update, STALKER-esque clothing, diversity in equipment, medication and so on. Southern and Northern stashes are not the same. The more North you travel and the more danger you face, the bigger and better the reward. For those who have been staying South, I highly advise that you venture into the North and try new things, make new friends and use the role-playing experience that you get to your advantage. (edited)
The Compass Artifact, Oasis Artifact, as well as their respective Anomalies have been re-introduced. Have fun finding them in-character!
Northern anomalies spawns have been adjusted, as well as the Southern ones. We understanding the lack of anomalies in the north has been an issue and there's been more in the south, so we've taken the necessary steps to fix this. Happy hunting.
The tunnel has received a big expansion and a connection to a new area. The loot tiers within the tunnel has also been adjusted to match the danger.
The Central Loot Economy has been adjusted. Finding the same Benelli and Aug and lootcycling those two guns will not be happening anymore. The CLE has been adjusted accordingly in line with our Workbench update and Stashes update.
New Car Spawns have been added and increased.
The issue with cars disappearing has been resolved.
The storage issue where storage from Sidorovich disappears has been resolved, just make sure you interact with it within 45 days. As well as the issue where buried crates disappear.
Loner Apartments have been introduced. Loner Apartments are given to factions, and players through role-play and money can earn a Loner Apartment to spawn in per death, and have a place to call as their own with their own crate to put their hard earned gear in. Please, don't run up to factions asking them for this. Role-play properly.
The vendors have been adjusted accordingly in order to match our new economy. This includes additions, removals, buffs and nerfs. We want player interaction and factions being important to loners, therefore, we have taken the necessary measures to ensure that this happens. We also wanted to help factions improve their gameplay, as well as give each faction something unique that they can call their own.
We understand that something has been missing from the gameplay for factions ever since the territories have been removed. We have introduced a new concept, where there are certain "Outposts" on the map that factions can claim to their own and fight each other for them. These "Outposts" will give factions access to items and unique rewards / perks. More information about this will be given to factions in private. We also believe that this will be a good experience to loners, as they will be able to potentially have access to these unique items themselves if they have good relations with the "strongest" faction in-character. We will provide more information regarding this concept (and claiming process) to factions, in private.
Other things that you will encounter in-character.
The Secret Trader "moves" around the Zone. If you can't find it, it's probably somewhere else. It is not a bug!
Just like any change on the server, some will affect people negatively and others positively. We want to find a balance between a hardcore survival role-play server and fun. We don't want the server to be a boring grind, but neither to be boringly easy for players who spent just one month and know how to deal with everything. We want the gameplay to scale within areas and be difficult even for the most experienced STALKERs. Role-play, make friends, figure out how to combat the radiation danger, explore the workbench and all the other features that have been mentioned. And most importantly, have fun. Thank you for being part of our community.
Good luck and see you in our next update!

StalkerZ 2.0 Change-log
- Added give/offer/take item action (Key has to be assigned in settings)
- Added playing of special animation while player is in inventory
- Added Bulat Clothing set
- Added Beril Clothing set
- Added Wind Freedom clothing set
- Added SAS clothing set
- Added various new clothing items
- Added Weapon handling sounds (Raising weapon, Aiming down sights)
- Added StalkerZ Vehicle mod (uaz, ural, zazik, gaz71, brdm, g55, lada, humvee)
- Added small military camp event using new dayz 1.18 event type
- Added possibility to craft filter blank from any filter
- Added simple toss coin (heads or tails) action to 1 and 5 ruble coin for some small gamble (has to be performed on another player)
- Added column in trader that shows currently available stocks for item - Added old broken geiger only ticking on radiation presence without additional info
- Added anomaly cluster
- Added Vanilla animals
- Added underground dormitories for loners
- Added underground stashes with loot spawning as event
- Added cloth rip sound when clothing item becomes ruined
- Added Car spawns
- Added Car Horn (Key: H)
- Added anti combat log system (prevents player from logging out if they shot or get shot)
- Added framework to add readable books - Added tushkan mutant
- Added overloaded affected by softskills
- Added rusty version of Gunter and Lada
- Added more food (20+ new food types)
- Added new gasmask overlays that depend on the gasmask
- Added initial version of stat expansion (overdose, pain, burned skin, bruise, stab wound, bullet wound, mind state, tiredness)
- Added trash items without any purpose other than rp/immersion
- Added dynamic psi fields
- Added documents and writings about folklore
- Added lab specific lore documents for X-18 and Agroprom Underground
- Added possibility to dismantle magazine to get a magazine spring with any magazine and screwdriver
- Added possibility to dismantle protective vests into either kevlar or plate
- Added possibility to cut metal sheet into smaller metal sheet using a saw
- Added search corpse mod
- Added bigger variety of filters
- Added over 17 new weapons
- Added weapon attachments system that changes weapon handling
- Added over 40 new weapon attachments
- Added possibility to combine books and knifes to create paper
- Added gardenplots spawn in static places to allow for horticulture
- Added possibility to "repair" clean a filter from any damaged state to worn using bandage or rags
- Added storage boxes that can be secured with 3 or 4 dial combination locks
- Added food decay
- Added crashsite event
- Added dayz recipe to combine pliers and any ammo to get casing
- Added possibility to have traders function as warehouse/virtual storage access points
- Added Refreshed prices at traders while hud is open
- Added Extra medical items
- Added Grenades
- Added Documents
- Added SSP99 Clothing set
- Added SunriseM1 Clothing set
- Added Seva5M Clothing set
- Added Suppressors
- Added Radio mod
- Changed zombie hitboxes
- Changed plant growing times
- Changed artifact containers degrade health when attaching artifact
- Changed high tier artifacts only be able to be stored in Specific slot containers
- Changed Player can no longer put items in ruined clothes
- Changed The weapon parts be specific weapon repair items for the caliber they are intended for (one time use)
- Changed vanilla weapon cleaning kit can only repair magazines and suppressors
- Changed chance of animal ai damaging clothing
- Changed damage values for wolf-like ai mutant
- Changed names from artifacts and just make them show as "Artifact"
- Changed safe anomaly state between restarts
- Changed breathing sound volume and frequency when wearing a gasmask
- Changed Faction clothing
- Changed All fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and meat radiated when uncooked
- Changed Traders pay less for items in bad conditions
- Changed All gear directly worn by the player decreases quality over time
- Changed how protection from radiation works
- Changed player trader models with custom trader models
- Changed bloodsucker behavior
- Changed Prevent players from using a vest when wearing exo
- Changed Psi tower destruction
- Changed being drunk and it's special effects
- Changed reduce lifetime of key based vaults and warehouse storage to 2 weeks before being despawned (interacting with the container / moving items will refresh lifetime)
- Chaned Show suitable radiation level for filter in item description
- Changed the need to purify water from open sources
- Changed limit itemsize in virtual storage to max 9 slots
- Changed Enabled throwing
- Changed task system to have tasks that can be done once until the player dies
- Changed lowered negative effects of most artifacts
- Changed armor values of vests
- Changed Weapon damage values
- Changed Increased hip fire recoil
- Changed Increased ADS fire recoil
- Changed Faction Territories are now gone
- Changed Vendors
- Changed Tasks
- Fixed items being placed using vanilla placement method sometime go poof
- Fixed selling item of not full quantity
- Fixed unopen able virtual storage lockers