Radiation 101

Hey fellow Stalker, before you go running around with no clue of the hell you’re putting yourself into, I’ll run you through the basics of radiation that will bite you in the ass if you don’t follow my guidance.

First things first,

if you’re not a super hero of some sort or mutated enough to detect this invisible hell in the air and surfaces, bad luck then my friend you will need a Geiger Counter. If you don’t have a clue what that is, then let me explain; It’s a yellow box with a handle that beeps when you’re in radiation.

Basically putting, if it beeps you have two choices:

1. Get the FUCK out of there


2. Put on a gas mask

Having a Gas mask with a working Filter in combo with the Geiger counter is the most essential gear you will need to survive in The Zone.

Just know, the louder the beep is, the more fucked you are!

Now knowing the basic equipment you will need, there’s a few more things I’ve got to explain to you, like:

While reducing the effects of radiation getting into your ass, you still need to understand that-


Even when you’re wearing equipment.

So don’t fuck around in places where your Geiger counter is spiking, if you need to pass into a place make sure to run for it. Because the rig you might be wearing is probably older than your grandparents and filled with holes like the usual unlucky Stalker in the Military Checkpoint.

Always invest and procure the best equipment that you will find in the Zone! it may not be the ultimate solution, but it will keep you away from certain death.

Well… at least from Radiation.

This part is very interesting, because if you haven’t followed my guidance properly and started to heel a bit of nausea. having blood come out of burns in your skin or even tasting something metallic in your mouth…
Then congratulations my friend, You are diagnosed with a severe case of
Radiation Poisoning!

But chill out, this is “yet” to be the end of the world, because to be in a state near death as mentioned up above you had to literally eat radiation…
But it also doesn’t mean you will not get to that state.

Keep an eye on yourself Always, because the moment you start coughing or puking, it means that you have absorbed a relevant amount of radiation.

There’s always more severe symptoms that mean you have absorbed a more dangerous amount of radiation, like burns that spill blood and stronger puking.

If you’re not careful enough you will become the next grave in The Zone!

Talking about radiation absorption, there’s many ways to identify how fucked you are, from the most basic Blood Test Kit to makeshift machines that says the amount of radiation your body has endured.

But let’s start with the basics,

In the little Blood Test Kit you will find a stick that if you expose to your blood it will show one of three colors, depending on the color you might wanna start praying.
Use common sense to determine the results.
If you’re looking for something, here it is: (A Radiation Symbol)

White ^ - You can manage.

Yellow ^ - You’re kinda fucked.

Red ^ - You’re Fucked!!!

Now finishing things off;

I’m no egghead, but they know all sort of crazy stuff about radiation, look for them for a full lesson…

Now I know I’ve only showed you how radiation can fuck you in the butt, but don’t cry now.

There’s good news for a change, The radiation can be treated by using some pills that can prevent you from becoming a pile of blood and meat on the ground.

Let’s go through the essentials;

Therapeutic options:
Mexamin - This small bottle or pack can be found all over the Zone. It’s usually good for Low Radiation Poisoning.
Potassium Iodide - The expensive solution to harsher cases of radiation poisoning. It’s usually good for High Radiation Poisoning.

Prevention options:
B190 - Take one before going into radiated areas and it will greatly reduce the intake of radiation for some minutes.

A good tip: Vodka and other alcoholic drinks removes radiation as well, Even Freedom have a miraculous “herb” that is good against radiation.

(If you see a pill icon, the effect is working. If you do not see the icon, the medicine is not in effect.)