• No toxicity, trolling or personal attacks against any member of the community, including Staff, on any platform (in game, discord etc.). 

  • We have zero tolerance for inappropriate content of any kind in game or in discord including, but not limited to, racism, sexism, sexual harassment, erotic role play and/or any controvesial,  inappropriate or offensive topics.  Slurs based on country of origin, religion, mental or physical disability are also prohibited. 

  • We have zero tolerance for threats made against the server (e.g. DDOS), its Staff or other members of the community. 

  • No cheating or exploiting game mechanics including, but not limited to, loot cycling while in game. This includes abusing filters or monitor settings to gain an unfair advantage over others.

  • No misconduct of any kind toward streamers.

  • It is strongly recommended that you video record your gameplay or you will be unable to prove rule breaks to or receive compensation from Staff.  (Note: No comp for DayZ bugs)

  • Do not discuss in character information in out of character discord channels. 

  • The secondary PDA (Discord) is gone. All forms of IC communication is done ingame with the PDA.

  • Players should double-mic in-character communication while on Discord. They may only double-mic if they possess an radio. Factions should be in their designated IC channels.

  • Do not promote other DayZ servers in StalkerZ’s discord. 

  • Do not play copyrighted music in game

In-Game General Rules

  • You must have a working microphone to play StalkerZ because it is not a text RP server and all hostile initiations must be in English

  • No metagaming, powergaming, griefing or trolling in game

  • Do not log out during an emission or to avoid RP

  • No building is allowed other than making fires and digging stashes. 

  • Act consistent with good sportsmanship at all times.  Bad sports will be punished! 

  • Use of multiple or alt Steam accounts is prohibited

  • Your PDA name must be your characters full name. Disregarding this will result in your character being removed

  • The PDA has a camera functionality, that is able to record videos, images or audio. You must hold it in your hand in order to do this.

    Note: Recordings are shared to other players by sending them a link on the PDA chat, to the picture wherever you uploaded it. IMGUR is preferred or any other reliable image hosting site.

  • Apartments should not be used to avoid hostilities or hide from hostilities. Being caught abusing your apartment will have severe consequences and a removal, no warnings. The Apartments are under the full control of the faction that has them.
  • The maximum amount of Exo Suits that can co-exist together in a group are 3. In addition, players who wear Exo Suits count as 2 in a group.

  • Monolith will alert players that they are in the area prior to entering or initiating attacks on any faction base and trader area (excluding secret trader locations).  The announcement consists of broadcasting monolith chants within 75 meters of those locations. The purpose of the announcement is to give players a fair chance to flee or take cover.
  • Safe Zones are designated areas where Loners cannot rob, injure or kill other Loners in Safe Zones. Factions and Loners can rob, injure and kill each other in Safe Zones. The concept of a Safe Zone only applies to Loners versus Loners, whereas they are not allowed to rob, injure or kill each other.
    Note: Rookie Village, 100 Rads Rostok Bar, Army Warehouses Bar and Chenki (Main Street & Trader) are considered Safe Zones.

Roleplay Rules

  • You must create and play only one character with a realistic name.

  • If you die in game, your character forgets his/her death, the 30 minutes leading up to the moment of their death, including the cause and players involved. Do not return to your body to retrieve gear at any time or for any reason. In addition, you are to stay away from the area of your death for 30 minutes. This is referred to as "New Life Rule" (NLR).

  • You must stay in character at all times while on the server and RP consistent with the Zone’s themes and general storyline. Staff will take action against players who fail to RP, provide low quality RP or RP in a way that is inconsistent with Stalker themes. Players are expected to make every effort to engage in quality RP and avoid PVP or grinder play styles.  

  • You must have an RP reason for all actions taken by your character in game and simply stating “that’s my character” is not sufficient.

  • All hostile actions and initiations, including any instructions and demands, must be clear to all involved players and include a verbal statement.  Victims can only defend themselves when it is clearly consistent with valuing their life (ie. only outnumbered by 1), but must value their lives/fear death when outnumbered by 2 or more players.

  • Note regarding vehicle initiations: Players in vehicles do not have to value their lives when initiated on. However, players who attempt to initiate on vehicles must follow the regular initiation rules. Hostile initiations and interactions must be done in english only.   No random death matches.  

  • A hostile interaction which results in gunfire remains in effect for 30 minutes.  However, if a victim complies with an aggressor's instructions during a hostile interaction and wishes to seek revenge or seize an opportunity during role-play then it must be consistent with the victim defense rules (NVL). Adequate role-play & sportsmanship is expected prior opening fire in these sort of situations and KOS is strictly forbidden and shall lead to instant whitelist removal and harsh punishment.

  • All players involved in a hostile interaction must RP during the scenario.  Players should have an RP reason consistent with their character's and the RP storyline when they attack or rob another player.  Aggressors must give victims a reasonable amount of time to respond to their demands before shooting them which is at minimum 10 seconds 

  • Role-play realistically at all times and value your character's life. Not valuing your life and the lives of others is against the rules. We refer to this as "Non Value of Life" (NVL). Additionally, you must value the lives of others so victims of robberies must be left with the following survival items unless you are a member of the Renegade faction:

A working gas mask
A working gas mask filter  
A working geiger counter
A working gun  
Half of the ammo the victim had for their gun or if robber substitutes another working gun a reasonable amount of matching ammo for that gun
A reasonable number of bandages
Half of Mexamin anti-radiation pills in their possession
Half of B190 pills in their possession
Protective suit such as NBC or SEVA etc.  
Food and water 

Notes regarding Non Value of Life (NVL):
- Items may be swapped during robberies. (e.g. robber can swap victim’s gun for another lesser quality gun). 
- Stealing a vault key from a live player is strictly prohibited.
- Players in vehicles do not have to value their lives when initiated on. However, players who attempt to initiate on vehicles must follow the regular initiation rules.
- Players who do not value their own character’s life during situations (e.g. Defending themselves while severely outnumbered) will be Permanent Killed on staff’s discretion and will have to make a new character.

  • Permanent kills (PK) do occur but they are only approved when in Staff’s opinion there is a very strong RP storyline leading up to the PK, there is a strong justification for the PK and it is all fully documented in video evidence.  All Players involved, aiding, or attempting to perform a Permanent Kill on another player are subject to being Permanently Killed as well, in the event of their death by the player they are attempting to kill, or by the player's allies, faction members or companions. Staff will review all scenarios prior enforcing these Permanent Kills on the players involved. Permanently-Killed Faction Members, depending on the choice of the PK-requester, will either be thrown out of the faction they are in or remain and start a new character.

  • Character Kills (CK) are regular deaths that occur within the Zone and players must abide to the regular rules regarding deaths, which is forgetting death and the 30 minutes leading up to it.

  • Factions are allowed to CK characters to their own discretion depending on the role-play scenario. In addition, loners may CK faction members. All CKs must be fully role-played and need to have an actual reason behind it. Also qrfz980q

  • Do not insert yourself into ongoing RP hostile interactions or shoot outs without an adequate IC reason.

  • Loners are allowed to travel in groups of no more than 10 in the Zone.   Groups of faction members or mixed groups (both faction members and loners) are limited to a group size of 8 when traveling in the Zone. 

  • You cannot require a hostage to open the door to a faction’s base or trader area.  Players must value the lives of hostages who they know unless the hostage-taker is Monolith. 

  • You cannot force another player to give you their PDA login information in game. 

  • If there is a hostile on-going RP storyline, you must have an independent basis for IC recognizing a player other than their voice unless it is a faction recognizing a deserter within 300 in-game hours of their desertion. 

  • Do not abuse IC aliases. You are allowed to use one alias for RP reasons but typically not to avoid hostile RP.

  • There is an injectable amnesiac in the Zone. Players may administer the amnesiac to victims as part of RP but must make clear they are doing so (e.g. stating “I am going to inject you with this amnesiac”). The amnesiac results in victims being unable to recall anything that happened to them for 1 hour leading up to, and including, the administration of the amnesiac and all players must RP accordingly. Please note if you know you were given an amnesiac then you must RP memory loss even if you do not faint from the injection.

Rule Break Reports and Bans

  • Staff actively enforces rules and community guidelines without reports (ie. Staff member witnesses in game) and in response to player reported rule-breaks.

  • Players must open tickets (and not DM Staff) to report rule breaks and must submit video evidence. Staff will not take any action and will not provide compensation unless video evidence is submitted. 

  • You must stay in character and finish the RP scenario when another player is breaking a rule.   Do not go out of character (e.g. tell the player OOC that he is breaking a rule).  You may report the rule break to Staff after the RP scenario has concluded. 

  • Do not break any rules in response to another player breaking a rule.  The proper procedure is to report the rule break to Staff in a ticket and provide video evidence. 

  • The application and interpretation of rules and whether a rule break is within the discretion of Staff.  Staff will try their best to apply the rules consistently. 



Faction Specific Rules

General Faction Rules:

  • Players are not eligible to join factions unless they have a total of 72 hours of total play time on the server.

  • Players who attempt to initiate on a faction in their faction base fully assume the risk of their actions. This means when faction members are within/around their base, they can initiate on others without requiring everyone in their faction base to be visible.

  • Faction members who are not part of initiations that result in a hostile interaction (gunfight) are able to participate in the firefight as long as the 30 minutes haven't been surpassed and they were contacted via in-game IC communications during the initiation. Adequate sportsmanship is expected and enemies need to be made aware of the presence of those faction members.

  • Factions are allowed to initiate hostile interaction against loners when outnumbered but when initiated on they must value their lives if outnumbered 3:1 (+2)
  • Faction members must wear their faction clothing which includes shirt/jacket and pants and their faction patch 

  • Factions are not required to value their lives when initiated within 100M~ of their HQ/Base/Checkpoint. 

  • Faction members who are traveling together or with prospects / loners / allied factions, in a group size of 5 and above, do not need to value their lives. In addition, they may initiate and defend themselves collectively as a group. Refusing to go out with lesser numbers or recruiting allied factions / loners without any prior role-play is considered bad sportsmanship.

  • Factions must value the lives of members of the same faction when they are taken hostage. This includes prospects.

  • Factions are only allowed to use a maximum of 3 exosuits, in whole or in part, at a time. 

  • Spying on or harming your own faction while you are a faction member is prohibited including, but not limited to, stealing items or selling items from faction trader at a discount without leadership permission. Deserters may steal a maximum of 300K rubles and a weapon, nothing else.

  • Factions have Kill on Identification (KOID) guidelines in their relevant faction discord. Loners travelling with factions assume the risk that comes with KOID.

  • Players who leave a faction in good standing must have 48 hours of in-game play time before they are eligible to join another faction.  Players who leave a faction in bad standing must have a minimum of 72 hours of in-game play time before they are eligible to join another faction. The in-game play time for this purpose is from the date that Staff is notified in a ticket that a player has left a faction. Exceptions may be provided by Staff, but not requested by the player, depending on the faction’s activity and necessity of members, as well as the role-play.

    Standings within factions are completely in-character.

  • Any items stored in a vehicle will not be compensated if the vehicle despawns.  Loss of vehicle will not be compensated without video evidencing how the vehicle was lost

  • Factions are prohibited from burying stashes within their base or in its immediate vicinity (ie. within 100 meters).

  • Certain factions may utilize NVL, however, it is not in the public ruleset in order to maintain the secrecy that these factions uphold.

    Renegades / Mercenaries

  • Renegades / Mercenaries are not required to value their life.


  • Brotherhood are allowed to initiate hostile interaction when outnumbered but when initiated on they must value their lives if outnumbered 3:1 (+2)


  • Military are allowed to initiate hostile interaction when outnumbered but when initiated on they must value their lives if outnumbered 3:1 (+2)


  • Monolith may KOS any player they deem fit, for any reason, without requiring any prior role-play behind it

Searching for something? React with this emoji in discord for access.
If you are searching for the hidden word, keep looking, this isn’t it.

Faction Wars:

Factions may go to war based on a developed role-play storyline and subject to Staff approval.

The following regulations apply in terms of wars:

  • A faction leader may request a war approval on another faction through a ticket. Winning terms (e.g. Bandits may not go to Rostok for 30 days) are also required.

  • The opposite faction cannot reject the war, if they do, it is considered a surrender. Winning terms are also required from the defending faction.

  • Winning Terms are staff enforced in accordance with the relevant role-play fear against the faction that won. Once a faction has lost, they are not allowed from an OOC perspective to go against the Winning Terms or reject them.

  • The maximum duration of war is 8 calendar days and there are no group size limitations, or exo suit limitations.

  • Warring factions are not allowed to team up with other factions or loners other than their prospects. Loners may only be used for defense purposes.

  • Only 1 Raid (Sledgehammer which allows access to the defending faction's storage) attempt is allowed. If successful, the attacking faction is allowed to grab whatever they deem fit from any form of faction storage / locker. Faction equipment cannot be intentionally griefed (e.g. dropped on the floor to despawn or thrown in the trash) and 5 million rubles minimum should be left intact.

  • Assaults are limited to 1 per day, per faction. Only successful assaults count as a point, base defense does not count as a point.

  • Assaults and the Raid may only happen through the agreed time-window coordinated through the ticket. Each faction is required to be online and defending during that time period, otherwise the point goes to the assaulting faction.

  • Assaults and Raids may only happen at the Faction Base. A Faction Base is considered the area where a faction spawns.

  • Players who die during a base assault or base raid are not allowed to return to combat.

  • Warring factions may KOS each other during war.

  • Factions should opt to do whatever it takes to win a war as long as they do not abuse base game PVP mechanics (e.g. dropshotting, filters). Standard sportsmanship and giving others a chance isn't taken into account during a faction war.

  • There are no "OOC Agreements" between factions and no exceptions to these rules will be granted. Factions may not enter any sort of OOC agreements other than these predefined rules.

  • Specific Winning Factions unlock stocked rewards for a price temporarily.

  • Factions may choose to use Allies (as long as IC lore / STALKER relations are followed) or Mercenaries.

  • Allies may only be used for defense purposes only and can be a max of a 8 in total. Mercenaries may be used to attack and defend with a max of 8. Reinforcements are acceptable.

  • Both factions may not enter another war for a minimum of 30 days, even if it is with a different faction.

  • Staff will only uphold these predefined war rules and will punish any OOC Agreements outside these predefined rules. The winner is declared upon the end of 8 calendar days or upon a faction's forfeit from the war.