SERVER LORE - 2012 (Current Year)

Banner by Necro

“You should have never come here, Stalker. In this place, you’ll only find misery, death and betrayal. The Zone gives and takes life from many and will continue to do so.

You can never adapt to this place. There is no friendship in the Zone.”

Now get out of here Stalker.



In 1989, 3 years after the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP) exploded, 7 scientists took advantage of the lack of human habitation to conduct clandestine research on various areas of interest. The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone that was mandated by the Soviet Union allowed them to do such research with ease due to the area being mostly sealed off but still open to educational research purposes for tourists.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, many clandestine projects were discontinued, including several scientific research laboratories in the Zone. This resulted in the original seven scientists losing their funding as well, however, they proceeded with their work.

This resulted in the Ukrainian Government receiving concerning reports about illegal experiments being conducted in the Zone. The Security Service of Ukraine was sent in the Zone to make an attempt to take control of the situation and shut these experiments down. However, they were unsuccessful.

Afterwards, these experiments have caused a series of abnormal phenomena within a 10 km radius of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Scientists working under the direction of those original seven scientists decided to break off and form their own group, known as Clear Sky. Clear Sky did not agree with the direction of the research and branched off in order to study and provide an explanation for all unexplained phenomena in the Zone.


Two years later, the Zone started gaining more attention from outside third parties. This attention came from multiple rumours about strange phenomena occurring in the Zone. In addition, tourists have started disappearing, therefore the Ukrainian Government had to seal off the Zone completely and tighten its security with the State Security Service, by increasing the presence of the Military units in and around the Zone, mainly at the border.

After a few years, the Zone has started to display bizarre weather patterns over the general area. One day, a pulsating ball of electricity appeared in the sky on top of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant for a few hours which resulted in multiple eyewitnesses. This anomaly then exploded. That’s when the State Security Service ordered multiple battalions to traverse further deep into the Zone, rather than being at the borders, in order to find out what happened and put an end to these experiments once and for all.


As those battalions traversed further into the Zone, the aforementioned phenomena continued to happen more frequently. This resulted in continuous bizarre weather effects all around the Zone. The blinding light started to spread from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant all around the sky. As the light spread, deadly energy disturbances occurred which wiped out most of the battalions that were sent to their slaughter. This left almost no survivors.

After two months of these events, the Zone grew five kilometres bigger after the pulsating anomaly of electricity occurred. This was called an "emission", which is also known as the "Second Disaster", as the first catastrophe was the original CNPP disaster.

That's when the State Security Service attempted to traverse, yet again, into the center of the Zone to destroy it with the usage of nuclear weapons. However, what they were about to face was beyond human understanding. They encountered deadly anomalies and mutants, which eradicated most of the forces of the State Security Service. Those that did survive and reached the CNPP, were consumed by another emission of a smaller size.

The entire special operation was a complete failure. However, there were some survivors that scattered around the Zone and tried to survive in the new harsh environment. However, this did not stop the Ukrainian Government from sending more scientists loyal to their own Government to conduct further research. That's when the Ecologists officially formed.


After some time, the Zone gained more interest due to rumours that were being leaked by those in the Ukrainian Government. Those rumours started to spread, which resulted in numerous individuals of all backgrounds willing to go into the Zone for their own benefit. This was at an era of crisis and economic struggle.

Those who illegally trespassed into the Zone either perished from the State Security Service, the Zone's harsh environment, or were fortunate enough to survive. Those individuals were called "STALKERS". 

"S.T.A.L.K.E.R." is an acronym for Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers. This was used to generally describe anyone that illegally trespassed in the Zone.

As the years went by, Stalkers were becoming more experienced in being able to survive in the Zone's harsh environment and avoiding the State Security Service. This also included the additional creation of groups formed by Stalkers, with different goals and ideologies.


In 2009, as groups of stalkers were starting to form which created enemies between organizations of different beliefs and ideologies. One of the first developed groups at this time were natives, a self proclaimed Brotherhood. They are known stalkers that are criminals of the Zone, disciplining others how they see fit. These stalkers have been referred to as Bandits, considering they take what they want, when they want, from who they desire.

The Brotherhood is frequently at odds with the Ukrainian Military due to their opposing beliefs and disregard for the law, using methods of exploitation and ruthless behaviour to make profits off others. Small groups of stalkers that made attempts against the actions of banditry began to form, with the goal of opposing the threat that The Brotherhood would impose on the weak, the wealthy, and the naive. The stalkers that tried to overcome the Brotherhood suffered many casualties and the numbers of their small units began to wither.

Although most organized anti-Bandit groups have failed to eliminate the Brotherhood, a group in particular began to form. Experienced stalkers banded together with common ideals that derived from their own trials and tribulations they underwent in the zone.

These members refer to themselves as Free Stalkers. This group claims to represent neutrality within the Zone.

The opposers of evil that present danger to the scavengers, adventurers and explorers they encounter. Stalkers have witnessed this group of Free Stalkers aiding others with proper guidance in order to survive the dangerous threats of other stalkers and mysterious phenomena through means of knowledge, minor medical assistance and temporary shelter. This group has been spotted frequently traveling the zone, setting up campsites and temporary fixtures with the intention to attract new stalkers that are lone expeditionists unaware of what the Zone has in store.

The Free Stalkers have not been seen engaging in much violence but openly state they are willing to defend their ideals of equality and the lives of others they support.
As the Free Stalkers continued to spread hope of neutrality within the zone, many other stalkers shared different beliefs.

The Ukrainian Military began launching multiple patrols deeper into the zone, making efforts to obtain samples of reported anomalous activity. Within their expeditions they were seen beating, torturing, and stripping anything of importance from the hands of others, claiming it was government property. 

This encouraged a group of brave stalkers to organize with intentions of researching the true wonders of the Zone, upholding an internal independence, creating an avenue for artifacts to reach the hands of the general population. This gave birth to the Freedom faction. Some view Freedom as fearless insurgents and revolutionary rebels, fighting back against other stalkers they believe to be the oppressors of the Zone. Scavengers and adventurers have witnessed Freedom and Duty at odds due to their opposing ideals, resulting in many fatalities from both organizations.

In 2010 the Freedom organization constructed a headquarters in the remnants of an incomplete laboratory in the south east of the Zone.

After a few months, tensions occurred internally within the Brotherhood due to a few members not agreeing with the direction the leadership was taking them. Those members had their own goals and ambitions, or perhaps simply wanted to cause chaos due to a certain level of insanity.

This resulted in those members splitting and forming their own group, the Renegades. Stalkers who have encountered the Renegades claim that they are ruthless, vicious and in addition cause harm to others for their own enjoyment.

Rumours have surfaced in the Zone that a group of stalkers dressed in white camouflage have been spotted on the outskirts of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and are hostile to all they encounter.

The very few that have survived encounters with these stalkers claim they have remarked to each other about a victory to the Monolith.


On March 12th, 2011, Duty under General Reznov's leadership decided it was time to step it up and make Duty a stronger organization and push further north into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. At the time, tensions with the State Security Service were rising, therefore it was the best decision at the time. They made the choice to either be successful in pushing towards the northern reaches of the Zone, or perish.

General Reznov and his men organized a large-scale expedition into one of the largest bloodsucker nests within the CEZ. This was on the remains of an old industrial site known as "Rostok." Upon their arrival at Rostok, General Reznov and his men cleared out the eastern part of the industrial site due to its numerous habitable buildings and electricity, thus making the eastern part more habitable. In addition to clearing out the mutants, Monolith fanatics attempted to stop Duty from taking over Rostok but were unsuccessful.

Duty claimed victory over Rostok and worked to make the eastern part habitable. The famous 100 Rads Bar opened for business, and Duty welcomed Stalkers into Rostok for trading, bounty collection, and conscription into their cause.

The western part, which they were unable to fully clear out due to the number of anomalies and mutants, was named "Wild Territory." Many Stalkers who ventured into Wild Territory have never returned.

As time went on, General Reznov's ambitions did not stop. He wanted Duty to keep pushing as far north as they could, as his vision was a completely destroyed CEZ. General Reznov's fanaticism for Duty’s cause eventually got the best of him, as a specialized expedition towards the inaccessible Army Warehouses resulted in him vanishing into what Stalkers refer to as a "bubble / space anomaly." General Reznov was never seen again, which put a huge dent in Duty as an organization, as there was an internal power struggle. This resulted in a new General known as "Kaz" taking over.

Two Duty Captains, Dobrenko and Ivanovich, did not wish to accept the new leadership and they staged an internal coup within Duty against General "Kaz" and Major Voytek. The coup was successful, and Dobrenko took over as General, with Ivanovich becoming Colonel.

June 11th, 2011. State Security Service has suffered loss, after loss due to the lack of funding and equipment, and incompetent soldiers being sent to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. In addition to this, the State Security Service's 6th Battalion did not have a competent command structure. Colonel Novikov was notorious for lining his own pockets with money. The battalion kept suffering losses, especially within Dark Valley by the Freedom organization. Colonel Novikov's stance against banditry, however, was notorious as he successfully brought the Bandits down to their knees.

Colonel Novikov was excellent at covering his own tracks and reporting back his victories to the Ministry. His reign was about to come to an end soon due to internal changes within the Ministry.

This was no longer enough for the Ukrainian Government, as fighting off local domestic terrorism groups and keeping Stalkers out of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone did not benefit the country.

Colonel Novikov was reassigned to the National Guard, and the entire command structure of the 6th Battalion was either forcefully retired or reassigned alongside Colonel Novikov. A notorious General with combat missions around Syria was assigned to the newly formed 7th Battalion, known as General Moroz.

General Moroz and his leadership cut off all deals any domestic terrorism group had with the State Security Service and declared everyone an enemy. In addition to this, he was able to pressure and negotiate with the Ministry to cease sending conscripts into the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone but professional soldiers instead.

This huge reform of the State Security Service put fear into all organizations within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, as what once used to be a weak government entity suddenly started receiving high-grade military weapons, vehicles, and equipment.

As for Duty, during Dobrenko and Ivanovich's leadership, they became more hostile towards Stalkers aligning themselves with Anarchists and attempting to profit off the Zone through artifacts and other equipment Duty considers as "contraband." In addition to this, Duty began forcefully conscripting Stalkers within their cause, and there were several rumors that Stalkers refusing conscription were executed on the spot. Duty became more fanatic to their cause and ruthless. Due to this, however, Stalkers managed to profit off Duty's mutant bounties and thus made Rostok more popular.

Dobrenko and Ivanovich's reign did not last long. During a leadership meeting within Rostok, Freedom had planted an IED in the room which managed to kill both the General Dobrenko and Colonel Ivanovich. Freedom began a full-scale attack on Rostok but were unsuccessful in doing so due to the distance between their resources from Dark Valley to Rostok. However, they were successful in putting a huge dent into Duty due to managing to kill off their top leadership. Duty was able to have new leadership quite fast without any issues due to the huge competency established within the organization during Dobrenko and Ivanovich's reign. Their vision was to put Duty above individual interests. That was when Duty had new leadership appointed, General Derkach, and Colonel Kosov.

On 6th of August, 2011, General Moroz of State Security Service 7th Battalion decided to march upon Rostok and declare Duty as domestic terrorists due to General Derkach refusing to align with General Moroz. General Derkach did not wish to cooperate with the State Security Service 7th Battalion as he saw the Ukrainian Government as opportunists and traitors who left them to die within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, which was true. General Derkach was notoriously known for refusing to align with any organization; he was also the first General within Duty to offer bounties for bringing Monolith and Western PMC scalps into the courtyard. The bounties were very tempting but very hard to achieve, which resulted in the deaths of many Stalkers.

A full-scale war within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone occurred between the State Security Service 7th Battalion and Duty. 7th Battalion was pushed back towards the main headquarters at Cordon. However, it turned out to be a huge mistake due to 7th Battalion's newly acquired equipment, which the Ukrainian Government has generously funded, being widely available at their main base of operations. This mistake was fatal and resulted in General Derkach and many of his men perishing. Colonel Kosov and his men survived and declared Duty's loss. Colonel Kosov was promoted to General and took over Duty.

General Kosov rebuilt the broken organization into one of the strongest organizations within the CEZ. He strengthened the cooperation with the State Security Service 7th Battalion and ensured to stay out of the Ukrainian Government's goals and decided to focus on Freedom, Monolith, Bandits, and destroying the CEZ internally. However, just like any General who has served Duty, his day eventually came and he perished. One of the most notable attempts on General Kosov’s life was made by Freedom Fighter Viktor Varona, who strapped numerous grenades on his own vest and attempted to run into General Kosov. Now, Viktor Varona’s grave overlooks The Barrier, a gas mask on a cross.

Duty is now rumored to be led by General Goldstein and Colonel Novaskrych, two Duty fanatics who are notoriously known for hunting Monolith actively and Western PMCs groups.

It is also rumored that there's a specialized squad within Duty that eliminates all those who encounter them and do not align with Duty's goals and ideals regardless of their intentions or how much contraband they carry, as Duty is known for being able to tolerate those who merely want to profit within the Zone as long as they do not carry contraband.

On August 13th, 2011, a large emission suddenly occurred within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Many paths were made impassable, terrain changed, and the Zone expanded once more. It is rumored that Stalkers observed a large force of Clear Sky venturing towards the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant through Red Forest.

Due to this large emission, the rest of the Clear Sky organization attempted to head further North after their initial group did not make it back from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Stalkers encountered Clear Sky making their way out of the Great Swamps and towards Army Warehouses. Rumors between Stalkers state that Clear Sky managed to take down the psi field around Army Warehouses and open up their path towards Red Forest. Upon entering Red Forest, Clear Sky was never seen again around the Great Swamps or anywhere below the northern parts of the Zone. Many Stalkers do not remember any of their encounters with Clear Sky other than blurry visions, and them waking up outside Red Forest after venturing inside it. The only thing those Stalkers can remember is Clear Sky warning them to turn around and leave Red Forest.

Regular skirmishes between Monolith and Clear Sky within Red Forest have been reported by Stalkers.

Bandits, under the leadership of Branko, entered a full-scale war with the Freedom organization. Freedom did not stand for Bandits taxing Stalkers and attempting to claim the entirety of the southern region as their own. However, Freedom was unsuccessful in fighting off the Bandits due to the numerous organizations being against Freedom at the time. This included frequent assaults from the State Security Service and Duty.

The Freedom Committee and their leaders, Illja, Doc, and Namiya, decided to gamble the entirety of Freedom's future and equipment into making a final attempt to push for the north. Freedom pushed towards Army Warehouses and abandoned Dark Valley completely. This was not easy, however, as Monolith fanatics continuously emerged from The Barrier.

After days of battle against the Monolith, Freedom managed to push them back and take over Army Warehouses, losing Illja in the process to Monolith. Illja’s grave can be found within Army Warehouses compound on a cross. They established a huge trading ground and headquarters within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. However, Monolith continues to emerge The Barrier on a daily basis and regular skirmishes occur between Freedom and the Monolith. Not to mention, General Goldstein's and Colonel Novaskrych’s ambitions to take over Army Warehouses which results in Duty squads venturing towards Army Warehouses on a daily basis.

Freedom to this day stands strong and is able to fully defend the area of Army Warehouses, making it one of the strongest trading areas within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Freedom's ambitions into pushing further north and making areas accessible and "free" do not stop. Notable leadership figures within Freedom are known as Ozzie, who took over after Doc's death while trying to find a way into Jupiter Powerplant. Other leadership figures are known as Bullet and Angler.

The organization of Free Stalkers continued to attract more attention. As Collector and Navigator and their group of Stalkers from "Dark Valley Welding Crew" who initially couped the original Free Stalkers Council were highly ambitious. Not only they were notoriously known for hunting Bandits, they were also known for standing up against anyone who attempts to push Free Stalkers around, compared to previous Free Stalkers Council that was originally based around Chenki. Collector and Navigator were able to establish themselves around Homestead and expand further South in order to recruit more Stalkers to their cause against fighting off Bandits and Renegades.

General Moroz was not going to let this expansion happen and what was once known as Homestead, a southern Free Stalkers base of operations and huge trading outpost, was destroyed with artillery.

Collector, Navigator, and the rest of the Free Stalkers decided to hide within the tunnels. On August 19th, they decided to take advantage of the abandoned institute in Dark Valley and take it over, as their knowledge of Dark Valley was exceptional due to their experience from running the Welding Crew.

Free Stalkers continue to hold a small presence around Chenki; however, Dark Valley is now famously known for being a neutral and strong trading hub within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Free Stalkers continue to establish themselves as the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone's veteran Stalkers due to their knowledge of secret paths, which allows them to travel effectively and ambush other organizations effectively when they have to defend themselves. Warden and Hoya are now rumored to be the main figures of Free Stalkers, with the fate of Collector, Navigator, Vano and Jim being unknown.

December 1st, 2011, a large-scale emission occurs after a large expedition of Ecologists and State Security Service 7th Battalion are seeing venturing through Red Forest and into Pripyat. This was under the leadership of Chief Scientists Vinther and Lenkov, which happened shortly after the mysterious disappearance of Chief Scientist Yeger. Their leadership within the Ecologists started off roughly, as a rogue Duty Officer, Major Romanov caused a short term war between the organizations due to the execution of a scientist. State Security Service stepped in and a large scale assault was launched by Duty at the Airfield Ecologist FOB, which was unsuccessful. Chief Scientists Vinther and Lenkov were able to get revenge for their fallen colleague, as Major Romanov was executed. General Goldstein managed to avoid another large scale war through diplomacy with both Chief Scientists and the General of State Security Service. Due to a result of this war and changes within the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone due to another emission, the Ecologists relocated to Lake Yantar, where they planned their expedition to the CNPP and started preparing. Stalkers who followed Ecologists within Red Forest spotted highly specialized soldiers known as "Alpha Group," or "Spetsnaz," accompanying Ecologists. They never made it back, and the Zone once again expanded, paths were changed, and anomaly fields started appearing in previously habitable areas. Due to the failure of this operation, after a while, both Chief Scientists were effectively demoted and replaced by Chief Scientist Walaszek and Wyatt.

Clear Sky was spotted around the area of Dead City, which was previously inaccessible due to a strong psi field. Stalkers reported that the city was full of riches and anomalies that produced high-grade artifacts, without any Monolith activity. Renegades have also been emerging more frequently from the old soviet underground tunnel network that connects the entirety of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Stalkers have overheard them talking about producing chemical bombs and extorting organized groups of stalkers, notable figures within the organization and responsible for numerous chemical attacks are known as Grishko Gangster, Gipsy and Vagabond.

This did not last long, however, as in January 2012, an unknown group bearing a Blue Eagle patch on their shoulders started appearing around Dead City and killing anyone who comes close to it. There are almost no Stalkers who have encountered this group and lived to tell the story, as all stories about this group are rumors. The main rumor surrounding this group is that they are mostly western with high-quality NATO weaponry operating all around the northern parts of Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. While there are no notable figures or names to mention due to the secrecy of this group, "Presov" and "Raider" are names that have been thrown around between late-night ghost stories.

Moving into February 2012, upon hearing this, General Moroz, Colonel Momosky and Major Chimaev managed to pressure and scare the Ministry of Defense into doubling the funds for the State Security Service 7th Battalion. The 7th Battalion underwent a significant overhaul, receiving not only advanced aircraft capable of flying through emissions and the 79th Air Assault Division detachment led by Major Khasaev, but also a comprehensive upgrade in equipment.

It is clear that the state of affairs in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is a never-ending cycle, with internal coups, power struggles, command changes, wars, and organizations becoming better and stronger over time.


The Zone is a very complicated system of traps, and they're all deadly. The moment someone shows up, everything comes into motion. Old traps disappear and new ones emerge. These traps can range from strange phenomena, to faction skirmishes and deadly mutants emerging from their lairs. While it may not appear this way, it is all connected. The Zone punishes.

Safe spots become impassable, stalkers get greedy and violent, factions become stronger and engage in constant skirmishes for their causes. While some factions may get stronger, the Zone continues to grow. Strange phenomena continue to appear, there's constant loss of life and the dynamics continue to shift. While some may think they have control of the situation, the reality is that they don't.

There is no going back, Stalker.


Some of those survivors managed to form their own group within the Zone that is dedicated to fighting against the "evil creations” of the Zone, with the ultimate goal of destroying it. That's when Duty was officially formed by deserters who abandoned the State Security Service. This was due to the fact that their superiors abandoned them and left them to die, rather than trying to rescue them when they were lucky to survive the deadly operation.

After a few years, the Ecologists managed to develop special devices that allowed them to traverse deeper into the Zone. With the protection of a specialised team, they were able to traverse a few kilometres into the Zone and return without any fatalities. 

The Ukrainian Government deemed this a success sending more soldiers and scientists into their respective posts. This resulted in the Ecologists managing to eventually traverse even deeper into the Zone than the original Ecologists, and set up a base of operations near Lake Yantar. The Ecologists took an interest in that area due to a rumoured scientific research laboratory, like other stalkers have mentioned as a place full of riches and danger.